Hello , happy new year and good flights everyone.I am actually using AC 3.6.2 , on a home made hexa , and its flying, not bad , but i observe some jumps up or down , about 1 foot but very fast, from time to time, in what direction should i look for?It does not recover the original altitude after a jump, and i do not touch the sticks.Loiter mode.
You should investigate your log to find a cause (start from checking your VIBE values). Or share your .bin log here so someone could check.
Problem solved, i had a VIBE Z at 35m/s/s average with peaks at 60.
Cause:i am using 4 small pad of urethane foam for dampening the FC and these were glued with cyanoacrylate glue.It ok if you don’t put to much ,but i did put too much and the glue found its way through the foam and the foam lost its flexibility properties.after replacing the pads with correct gluing my Vibe z is now at 15m/s/s
with peaks at 25.Thank you Sergey for your quick answer I can fly now with more confidence.