Slow throttle response on PX4 rover

I’m using PX4 on Pixhawk to drive two motors independently in a tank-drive-like configuration. One motor speeds up and slows down considerably faster than the other, and, after a lot of trouble shooting, I’m certain that it’s an issue with my signal output from the Pixhawk. When I hook up both Pixhawk signal outputs to my oscilloscope, one PWM signal changes its pulse width (therefor the voltage out of my motor controller) way slower than the other. I can’t find any information online about this, anyone who has had a similar problem, and I’ve tried changing so many parameters to get a less sluggish throttle response. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks!!

PX4 is not ArduPilot. Which firmware are you using?

I’m using PX4 Pro Stable Release v1.13.3.

I am totally willing to use ArduPilot, but I don’t know which options to select. My Pixhawk is a Pixhawk 2.4.8, but that’s not an option on there. Is there a similar board I can select that is compatible?

Would it help if I send a video of what I’m working with and the oscilloscope output?

Px4 forum is here:
Pixhawk1 is the typical firmware target used for those 2.4.8’s but some of the newer and cost reduced ones fmuv3 is appropriate. It’s a mixed bag with those Flight Controllers.

I’m using PX4 Pro Stable Release v1.13.3.

I am totally willing to use ArduPilot, but I don’t know which options to select. My Pixhawk is a Pixhawk 2.4.8, but that’s not an option on there. Is there a similar board I can select that is compatible?

Here’s a video explaining what I’m dealing with:

As Dave said: If you’re using PX4 firmware, you need to ask this question on a PX4 forum.
If you want to try ArduRover, consult the Rover wiki to get started: Rover Home — Rover documentation

Typically, you’d select the Pixhawk1 target to flash ArduPilot to that board.

Sharing a video of PX4 issues and continuing down that path here will not help. It’s completely different software.

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