Skydroid-T12 combination of Data transmission, Picture Transmission and Remote Control

Skydroid-T12 ! It’s Combination of Date Transmission, Picture Transmission and Remote control.

  • 1 Real dual redundant, double antenna and models design.
  • 2 12 channels, supporting fixed wing, multiple rotors, intelligent robots and underwater drone.
  • 3 Mobile APP XAircraft configuration, adopting all one key adjust parameter.
  • 4 Bluetooth USB double connections, matching powerful ground station APP.

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Hello @Zhang_Molly ,

There are some users that have one in the Skydroid thread. I suggest you post your question there.

Good luck.

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Thank you for your suggestion.:wink:

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Thank you for your suggestion.:wink:

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I honestly can say I love my T12,it just does what it says it does,there are updates at times which are very easy to install,it is just A great system

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Dear Martin, it’s very happy to heard that from you. Big thank you.:blush:

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Dear Martin, it’s very happy to heard that from you. Big thank you.:blush:

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T12 can do video/picture transmission over 20km
Data transmission to 30km based on power consumption on only 0.1Watt

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Here is video of A test that Cao did hope this helps you

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Mrs. Zhang is there problem on tower app ? Because there is blank screen just Google logo no map. Tried on different android phones and tablets, same issue

hello its the same for to cannot get the map working

tengo un t12 y no logro posicion gps mapa en aplicacion tower, si en qgroundcontrol

Skydroid Tower?
Es muy malo, mapa muy elemental. Usar Qgroundcontrol +Skydroid FPV
Prueba este enlace:
es la ultima version con google map, funciona ok

We are using T 12 remote we need to render the Video stream on q ground control please give us the solution.

you must connect qground control with bluethoot and skydroid fpv with usb.
and permit video picture in pictured allowed. The only way. 2 app working same time.

I agree with @PAPO - bluetooth to a laptop for qgroundcontrol or Mission Planner, and USB to FPV app on Android phone for video. I wish I could figure out a way to get video into a laptop - if anyone finds a way, please post details!

Hello is there any way to connect usb to pc and trasmit the video there ?

Hi, Please help me with this, its for my school project:
I am using skydroid t12 with pixhawk 6c, and I want run autonomous missions with it to click pictures for surveying(I know the camera is bad, but its just for proof of concept). Can you help me with this? I cannot find help anywhere. Please.
my questions are:
Does the images clicked geotagged?
Can i use qgs on the tablet/phone to run aforementioned autonomous missions with geotagged images, if not with qgs, then with what?
And can I talk to pixhawk with qgs through skydroid(like we talk to pixhawk using mission planner on pc)?