Is there a way to turn off the light on the A-F buttons of the H16?
I don’t think so… most probably not.
But why do you want to do this? They are important to indicate the PWM on the RC channel you assign to it.
I don’t use pwm of channel A-F, use them as joystick buttuns so don’t need the light at all.
Do you know if there is a way to have a tunnel from the H16 ethernet port or wifi or dongle, direct to the onboard network.
All i can do at the moment is wifi or ethernet teethering with H16 but the network to wich i connect isn’t rotated to the 192.168.144.x onboard network, so basicly with a pc connected to the H16 is not possible to reach a raspberry connected to the air unit.
Herelink can do that, just a bridge between ethernet dongle and air unit network.
Sorry, I really don’t know how to do this. My only experience with this is configuring a LAN with H16 in order to see the mav stream along other devices like a PC.
Thank you anyway. Will ask skydroid.
Solved it, was just missing a static route onboard
Now i can reach any appliance on drone network from a pc attached to ground station on wifi or ethernet.
Nice to know man! Great job!
Hi @MshUav, similarly we try to connect a ground pc to onboard rasperry using the ethernet ports of h16 ground and air units. We use 192.168.45.X for ground unit and 192.168.144.X for the air unit. We arent able to connect, how did you manage that? Could you help us regarding this, please?