Skydroid 5.8G Dual Receiver

There are quite a few posts in various forums about using this video receiver device - but I can’t seem to make out the essential information needed to use it with either Mission Planner or Qgroundcontrol.

As both Mission Planner and Qgroundcontrol are both available on Windows and Android - there’s that extra bit of complication.

Ideally, I’d like to be able to address this device on Windows with both ground control programs.

Being able to address them on Android would be a bonus.

There a very lengthy thread about Mission Planner’s release on Android that speaks to some of this - but I couldn’t quite figure out exactly what I should use to address this video device.

I’d appreciate any insights and advice - Thanks!

After making this post I finally got this device to show up as a camera option in Qgroudcontrol on Windows. Nothing was done other than just plugging the device into a USB port:

Similarly on Mission Planner, right clicking on the Head’s Up Display an taking the Video/Start Camera option found the USB device - recognizing it as a camera - and displayed it.

That takes care of Windows. I haven’t had any luck yet on Android.

Hey there, I’m trying to do the same thing. When I clicked “start camera” in Mission Planner, my front-facing laptop camera popped up instead of the camera feed from the Skydroid. I’m not quite sure how to switch camera feeds. Any tips?

Nevermind, for anyone else that may have this issue, switching cameras is the first thing on the Configure tab in Mission Planner.