skip the radio calibration and flight modes switch assignment

hello guys
I do not find a way to set up the Pixhawk without a RC receiver.
I’ve done all the calibration, but QGC complains that I still have to setup the radio and the flight modes, and the status led blinks red.

Any way to skip the radio calibration and flight modes switch assignment? Please any help

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You aren’t quite in the right place since this is the Mission Planner forum. But anyway…

The fact that status led on board blinks red is not necessarily related to QGC compaining about vehicle setup not being complete. If you don’t have an RC and you’ve done whatever you need to do in ArduPilot firmware to make it work without RC then you don’t need to complete the QGC RC and Flight Mode setup pages since those only relate to RC setup things.

How to test the quadcopter without RC calibration?