SIYI ZT6 Mini Dual-Sensor Optical Pod (Gimbal Camera) - 4K Optical Camera, 640 x 512 Thermal Imaging

Most probably the issue in this case would be different gateways for herelink and SIYI camera. Try changing the IP and gateway of the camera to the same group as herelink is, or vice versa.

Hi! I cannot apply telemetry via the Minim OSD menu to the zt6 camera via CVBS! Tell me, maybe there are features that are not mentioned anywhere?

Thermal imaging is not activated is the error I am getting on mk15 for thermal video output

You will need to activate it
Please write to and the team will guide you

Hi so initially the video was coming without the thermal and all of a sudden the camera started blinking red red amber

Attaching video links please have a look and advise , we are unable to update the firmware for camera


I think it is just a failure in firmware upgrade
Please format the SD card to FAT32 or use another card

If it still didn’t work, let’s continue with the support email


We have used 6 different cards and formatted them as stated.

Everytime we put the card in the camera for update it doesn’t happen and when we take out the card and insert in laptop the bin file gets deleted from the card.

Also when the camera is connect to siyi assistant only gimbal firmware is visible .

Also how do we activate the thermal video mode? Initially the camera video was visible without the thermal but since the red red amber light coming no video.

Please help us stuck with it since 10 days now

Introducing ZT6 Mini Dual Sensor Optical Pod

Where i can download old version of firmware?
Thermal camera just shows gray screen. Or it’s defective?

I have 2x ZT6
1 - Camera works, thermal displays just gray empty stream
2 - Camera has corrupted image, thermal works

Tried to exchange thermal module, both works (also tried to connect to DJI Mavic, they works)
Is there any way to make work at least one or any RMA or is there any way to send it to factory for repair?