SIYI QGC Button Assignment


I’ve installed my SIYI A8 on a Hexsoon EDU-450 and I’m preparing to do test flights.

I’m using the A8’s ethernet connection to a HereLink V1.1 Air Unit for video and telemetry.

Control of the video and gimbal requires the use of either the SIYI FPV app, or the SIYI custom QGC.

There is a warning from CubePilot not to use the use the hardware/PWM assignments on the Herelink controller to make flight mode changes. MavLink commands for mode changes are proscribed.

The SIYI FPV app doesn’t support sending MavLink commands - so using that app is problematic.

The SIYI custom QGC does allow button assignments - but it’s a little different than the QGC that comes pre-installed on HereLink.

First - the SIYI custom QGC shows the button assignment in a “JOYSTICK” section. (the native HereLink QGC has a “buttons” section)

The problem is that under the SIYI custom QGC these buttons aren’t working. Using the pre-installed QGC, the buttons do work - so it’s doubtful there’s a problem with the controller. Also - when using the SIYI QGC drop down menu for flight mode changes - that works fine.

As a side note - it appears that both the HereLink and SIYI version of QGC share some configuration files. After setting up the button assignments in the SIYI version of QGC, I discovered that they were automatically present in the HereLink version.

An additional note - in my earlier work with the HereLink QGC, I found that assigning “button 5” (the shoulder button) to trigger the camera shutter - did not work. I got around this by setting the hardware button setting for the shoulder button to signal PWM for the camera shutter.

Can confirm this is still an issue using the exact same setup.

Mavlink button commands in SIYI’s QGC do not work on the Herelink, despite the app recognizing and configuring them in the button assignment context screen.

I’ve not looked into this - but I’ve not heard of any changes.