SITL Monte Carlo Simulation

Hi all,

I am looking to set up a Monte Carlo simulation within the SITL environment. The idea is to reset the position of the vehicle at a set time interval (eg. every 20 seconds sim time), to a random location (within bounds), facing a random direction, with an fixed ground speed / RC input.

Can anyone offer advice on how to approach this problem?
Would it be possible to also reset the EKF on the fly, or would I be limited to DCM for navigation?

Thanks in advance,

I am looking to set up a Monte Carlo simulation within the SITL environment. The idea is to reset the position of the vehicle at a set time interval (eg.
every 20 seconds sim time), to a random location (within bounds), facing a random direction, with an fixed ground speed / RC input.

Can anyone offer advice on how to approach this problem?
Would it be possible to also reset the EKF on the fly, or would I be limited to DCM for navigation?

I’m not sure you will get anything useful out of this; you can’t really
skip around a live vehicle in position as you’re suggesting - all sorts of
things will go wrong with EKF, so you would be limited to DCM. I’m quite
sure all sorts of things would go wrong even then…

You can’t really “reset EKF on the fly”; it’s got a 10 second
bootstrapping time you’d have to hack out, and all sorts of funky
time-horizon buffers you’d need to purge…

Perhaps if you set out what you’re trying to accomplish with your