SITL Mission Planer ERROR/STOP During Downloading

Why Now SITL always error during downloading? It just stop with same error message. I have reported this error many times. Please help us @Michael Oborne how is solution to this problem. Last time I can use this simulation without issue. Why I can not do it again now?? Platform is Windows10. I have tried all kind of vehicle (Plane, Multirotor) but I get same error messages…
Thank you…

Download latest beta

Tks. I will try it…

Hello @Eosbandi
I have got the latest betta of Mission Planer . But the problem is, there is no “Full Parameter List” menu… Why?? Am I missing something??
I really need to simulate Quadplane and to change some Flying parameter… Any help?

I have the same problem. And the beta releases are very buggy and unstable.

Yeah, I really hope that @Michael_Oborne will solve this issue…I think SITL is very important for us to do simulation to minimize our risk on the real flying…
I have been using this SITL many times in the past, and I really like it…

See planner settings, you should be in BASIC mode. Switch back to advanced.

It is solved in the beta, which eventually become released version.

@Eosbandi, How to Switch to Advanced? Could you please clarify…Tks.

Ok. Finally I have managed to make it running. So we must go to Planner, then Layout, and change from Basic to Advanced…
But I check this is MP 1. 3. 74.2 Arduplane
Can we change the Firmware to Vers. 4.09 as my real is still. in Ver. 4.09.,???..Bestst Regard…