I’m new to APM so sorry if this has been asked a million times. I tried to search for a solution, but didn’t find one.
I’m trying to run ArudCopter under SITL, but I ran into some problems. After trying the instructions in the wiki (which I think are outdated) I tried the installer script from this page:
And that seem to work - The installation seem to work okay, and after running the ArduCopter (pressing 2 on the menu) it looks like it’s running. I’m seeing a map window, and a console window (which says “Ready to FLY ublox”).
BUT the map has a message saying “Map download 35”, which counts down to 2 and stays there (It takes like 20 minutes to get from 35 to 2, and I waited like an hour more, but it didn’t continue its count).
Other than that, I think its working. I’m not sure - ‘arm’ and ‘takeoff’ did stuff. But I can’t really see anything on the unloaded map.
So, where can I get more info on the running simulation? And how can I debug the map thing?