SITL and Comm Port

Using SITL and Mission Planner for Windows is it possible to output Mavlink messages to a serial port

I am new to testing in SITL


David Ardis

Yes. Use CTRL+F in Mission Planner to open the advanced screen. Then click the Mavlink button and fill in the serial port details. Then use the Connect button to start the stream to the serial port.


Thanks ithat just what i was looking for

Is there any documents on what all these burttons do.

David Ardis

There’s documentation for Mission Planner at Mission Planner Home — Mission Planner documentation

Unfortunately, the CTRL+F window is not documented.

I have got the Mavlink outputting to the serial port and is working as i can feed the data to another computer.
What mavlink protocol is the serial output using and can it be changed. I would like to be using Mavlink 1.

David Ardis