
I am trying to run a simulation to check some algorithms and flight plane that I have.
Unfortunately, I encountered some problems.
I am using AruPlane 3.3 running on Pixhawk with Mission Planner 1.3.27 (tried also 1.3.32) and FlightGear.
After changing the HIL parameters to “Enable” (both the HIL_MODE and HIL_SERVOS and tried both HIL on GPS mode and the regular mode) I get the plane position and orientation (pis,theta,phi), but the plane is not moving.
If I place the plane above the ground (for example 300 ft), it immediately “dives” straight to the ground (again, I can see its orientation but no ground speed nor location changed).

I already tried changing Ardupilot and mission planner versions.

Does anyone have any idea of what to do?
I ran out of ideas.

hi,I am a Chinese student,I am using Pixhawk with Mission Planner 1.2.84 and FlightGear to HIL.but I failed.
I don’t know whether it’s a version of the problem or Pixhawk can’t do the HIL,hope for your response,THX

please try SITL. it is alot more common today.

thank you!

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Michael Oborne";
发送时间: 2016年5月26日(星期四) 中午11:35
收件人: "QQ";
主题: [ArduPilot Discuss] [Ground Control Software/Mission Planner]Simulation

           May 26                        

please try SITL. it is alot more common today.

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In Reply To
Albert_19931001 陈晓磊
May 8

        hi,I am a Chinese student,I am using Pixhawk with Mission Planner 1.2.84  and FlightGear to HIL.but I failed. I don't know whether it's a version of the problem or Pixhawk can't do the HIL,hope for your response,THX     

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