Simulation on hardware realflight

Hi everyone!
i am trying to do HITL using realflight for the purpose of research on a proof of concept of a control algorithm i am developing as a part of my undergraduate thesis. i am wondering if simulation on hardware (Simulation on Hardware — Dev documentation) is actually possible to be paired with realflight? since realflight offers a really good simulation platform.

what have i done:

i have successfully loaded the firmware using the comand :
./Tools/scripts/sitl-on-hardware/ --board CubeOrangePlus-SimOnHardWare --vehicle plane --simclass Plane --frame flightaxis --upload

but after competition of uploading i have tried many things including mavproxy and others with no sucess. (the cube connects with missionplanner but not with realflight ) i am coming to the conclusion that it is not possible, or is it ? or am i missing something ?

any insight and help will be appreciated!



Nowadays there is no HITL support in Ardupilot.

The proper way of doing this would be to run SITL and do the testing there and to move onto the real hardware once your code is well tested in SITL.

SIH uses a fairly rudimentary flight model that runs on the flight controller and definitely isn’t suitable for developing flight control algorithms.

thanks for the reply, well noted.