Simulate a motor fail with MP and SITL

Hi all,

I would like to know if i can simulate a motor fail with MP and SITL.
I would like to try my cutom ardupilot version i have made for an hexacopter. basically, if it detects a motor fail, it stabilize for 15sec and then LAND mode to land the drone.
But i would like to be able to test it with SITL
If someone know if it is possible or know how to do i would be happy.

Thank you


On SITL you have SIM_ENGINE_FAIL that allow you to select the motor you want to fail and SIM_ENGINE_FAIL that is the inverse of the failing percentage (1 == 100% working, 0 = 0% working, 0.5 ==50% working). See the code at

Thk you for this, but i am quite a newbie with SITL.
Basically, my SITL is already flying and for example in 20m in GUIDED mode, i would like to simulate the motor 6 to stop
How can i do this ?

Because when i type param SIM_* in SITL, i cnt find SIM_ENGINE_FAIL, i only have SIM_ENGINE_MUL

i use the branch Copter-3.4, then i git submodule and run the preinstall script and reload the ~./profile
but in SITL, i cant find the param u said…

It seems than copter-3.4 doesnt have this parameter implemented yet…
Thank you

Move to the stable Copter-3.6 branch, or even better use the master branch

Parameter probably not available way back then.

master currently has an autotest checking our current behaviour on motor