-j4 --map can't run on windows

when I input -j4 --map, the error occurred as follow:

SIM_VEHICLE: ** Is (Arducopter) really your vehicle type? Try -v VEHICLETYPE if not, or be in the e.g. ArduCopter subdirectory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/user/ardupilot/Tools/autotest/”, line 789, in
cmd_opts.frame = default_frame_for_vehicle[cmd_opts.vehicle]
KeyError: ‘Arducopter’
SIM_VEHICLE: Killing tasks

I don’t know what to do. Could anyone help me? Please advise.


Try to translate error ! “SIM_VEHICLE: ** Is (Arducopter) really your vehicle type? Try -v VEHICLETYPE if not, or be in the e.g. ArduCopter subdirectory”

It means that SITL don’t know which vehicle launch ! You could either use “-v ArduCopter” (for a copter) or move into the vehicle directory : see

I try as you advised, but it seem not work.

Could you tell me why?please.

I don’t know why, but your directory is called Arducopter and not ArduCopter like it should - that means the script thinks you are in the wrong place.

Also if you are trying to use SITL in Windows, check this topic: cannot pass through on Windows 7

Sorry my fault : “-v ArduCopter”

yes, it works.THANKS.

You’re right, I should type ArduCopter not Arducopter. Thank you for your help.

OK, all sounds good. I will find out what to do to send by bank transfer as
this will be an international payment. I will need your bank details
probably iban number etc.

Can you please provide this. Thanks again, Paul

oh, man. Maybe you reply wrong post.