SIK telemetry radio. File Selection Cancelled

Any ideas about this please?

My remote SIK radio which was working fine, this morning gave a solid red light. I used a FTDI adapter and put it in bootloader mode. When I try to install firmware it says ‘Firmware File Selection Cancelled’ .
Thought perhaps its a hardware problem so I dug out another one from the bits box. It was working fine but the firmware was old so I tried an update. Same problem - ‘Firmware File Selection Cancelled’
I now have 2 bricked radios. I tried the upload firmware from file location but done have the right .HEX file. Where can I find one?

As this is failing to fetch the file I have moved topic to MP. Where is MP getting the HEX file please?

if these are regular sik radios I believe you will want to use the radio~hm_trp.ihx firmware.

Thanks for reply.
I think its a problem with where MP goes to get the radio firmware. I tried from QGC and it put firmware on, however its labeled as RFD 2.0. Not sure if it will connect to the other side like that.
I found a ‘radio.hex’ file and MP loaded that on ok, however its 1.9. Before all this I had 2.2 on all radios. @406FPV . Im not sure how to get that ihx file. Its just text.

For most browsers, right click, save as.

I have MP’s latest beta, and it seems as if the Upload Firmware button labels are misleading (@Eosbandi).

I clicked the “Upload Firmware (local)” button, and it immediately downloaded the v2.2 file and flashed my SiK radio. Try that before you bother with manual downloads.

Im doing exactly that, “Upload Firmware (local)”. After a short pause I get that file selection cancelled message. Its ok if I use the other (non local) Upload Firmware and select a file.

Update to latest beta and see if that helps?

Or download the file manually as described above.

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I concur.
pull request added to change text on the buttons.


Ok but its still not obvious why MP ‘cancelled’ the firmware upload (numerous times see above), even if the button label is wrong.
And, it would be nice if, like QGC, it gave the location of where it was fetching the firmware from.