SIK Radio V1, FW 1.7

I am using SIK Radio V1 with latest FTDI drivers for win 10, running SIK Firmware 1.7 @ 57,600.
All seems** to be OK: I get solid green led for link, i see green and red leds flickering so i guess this is showing some sort of communication, Mission planner connects (i get Green Plug) but then parameters will not download. sometimes after a minute or two i see some parameters getting updated in realtime but the data is not correct / wrong values. so, there is some sort of data flowing in and out but nothing close to what i get when connected via USB. I tried SIK FW 1.9 and 2.0 as well - same or even worse results.

This puzzles me: what is going on?..
After so many hours trying to figure this out with no luck - Any help will be more then appreciated.

Mine looks like this:


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a TX Power of 5 is about 3 mw I think. Try raising it to 20.

David R. Boulanger

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Thank you Mike and David!
I managed to get my SIK to communicate Mavlink telemetry as it should.
It took me hours to find the culprit and to fine tune everything to my full satisfaction.
I ended up upgrading to SIK ver 1.9, lowered speed from 57K to 19K, and now connection is fast and it takes about 16 sec to load all 666 PX4 parameters. with 57K it took about ~40 sec, give or take .
What i did not mention before was that my SIK radio is the second wireless device in-line for short distance repeater (~100 meters perimeter) - hence the low power level of ‘5’ to preserve my RC radio battery.

BTW Mike: How come you have more settings for your radio -Is it a SIK Radio V2?

I am happy. not celebrating yet but only after field tests later on this week.
Take care and happy landings.