SF11/C errors/"noise"

This is an I2C connected SF11/C
Most data is fine within the real/low altitudes - then there is some completely crazy data, why/how.
The cables are neat and short.

The log is collected when flying at 3 meters.

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Hi Andre,

There are a few reasons why the SF11/C could have noisy data.

It is possible that there is a power supply issue. If the SF11 does not receive a stable 5V supply then it will return erratic results.

It is also possible that the sensitivity of your SF11 is too high. The SF11 firmware V1.5.0 has a sensitivity adjustment in the menu.

If you need to upgrade the SF11 you need USB access with a PC to install new firmware.

Here are the instructions to install the new firmware:

  1. Download the LightWare Upgrader here http://support.lightware.co.za/beta/LightWareUpgrader-1.42.0.zip
  2. Unzip to a directory on your PC.
  3. Go to the location where it was unzipped and run the file ‘LightWareUpgrader.exe’
  4. Connect the SF11 via USB to your PC and click on the appropriate COM port to connect.
  5. Click ‘Upgrade’ and wait for the procedure to complete.

(Note: Please disconnect an re-connect the SF11 via USB after using the Upgrader otherwise you will not be able to communicate with it using Terminal)

Now you can use the traditional LightWare Terminal to go and change menu settings like normal. The ‘Sensitivity offset’ is found under the ‘Advanced’ menu.

You can set the sensitivity offset between 0 and -30000. I would recommend starting at something like -5000 and seeing if that has any appreciable impact on your situation. Then work in -2000 increments.

where, in setup terminal, can I find the “sensitivity offset” ? (FW 1.3.1, LightWare Studio 0.6.0 on Linux)
Or is it replaced by medial filter ?

Hi Andre-K,

You will need to first perform a firmware update on the SF11 to version 1.5.0 (or higher). The instructions are identical as posted above, except in step 1 you can download the Linux version here if you prefer: http://support.lightware.co.za/LightWareUpgrader-linux-x64-1.56.0.zip

Thank you.
(must have 20 chars)

Hello Rob,is 1.50 the latest upgrade for windows please,many thanks

Changing to “Continuous” Serial Output Mode instead of “On Demand” made the difference for me