Setting up TX with centered throttle [SOLVED]


I have an S500 quadcopter with PixRacer running AC 3.4.6. The TX used is a FlySky FS-i6S which has the option for the throttle stick to be either normal or centered. So far I’ve done all my flight with the stick in normal position but as I mostly fly in PosHold or Loiter modes (and AltHold) taking video, I switched the TX throttle stick to be centered. The FlySky menu is already set to self-centered mode and I can see in Mission Planner the throttle to be in the centre.

Is there any other ArduCopter option I need to set besides PILOT_THR_BHV=1? I think that I have to somehow make ArduCopter “believe” that throttle value in middle is low enough (as to turn motors in idle). I am attaching my current configuration where the throttle values are displayed.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.S500.param (10.3 KB)

I’m also flying with centered throttle for more than a year now, first on Graupner, then on Taranis. Don’t remember setting anything else.

Yes, that’s all. I should say the only thing that setting does is, on non-manual modes, auto-disarm will work even if your stick is in the middle.

Thank you very much for the answers.
I did a test flight yesterday - with the throttle stick centered - and the only difference that it makes is that on stabilize mode the copter tries to take off (but it does not) i.e motors do not spin on the “normal” idle speed. The solution was to remove the stabilize mode from my flight modes completely, so now my copter starts with either Altitude Hold or Position Hold modes which is quite logical.