Setting up a Tiltrotor with a separate pusher propeller and no flight control surfaces

So we’re planning on building a tiltrotor with a pusher typed propeller for forward thrust and two tiltmotors with VTOL capabilities.
There are no flight control surfaces so how do we setup ardupilot to handle this?
Total noob here btw

IMHO regular tiltrotor with motors actuated in FW modes with additionally the fixed motor assigned as throttle (that is FW throttle, VTOL uses motorX) should work, you may want to play with “forward assist” though IIRC the throttle should go to transition value when switching from VTOL to FW mode. I would recommend testing in SITL.

Thanks a lot! Frame should be set to bicopter yeah?
I’m testing it right now in SITL

Okay just another issue… I’m getting an error

Config error set tailsit enable 0 or tilt enable 0

I’ve followed the documentation and it says to enable both to one, so what am I doing wrong?

Where does the wiki say to enable both tailsitter and tiltrotor together?
A “bicopter” is a tiltrotor quadplane (not tailsitter) with frame type 10, if I’m reading the wiki correctly.

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My bad! I reread it again and I think I must have confused the two. Apologies…

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