Setting gsf failback when gps for yaw crash

Hello, on copter 4.4.4 with 2 f9p gps for yaw there is no compass inside.

Compass are disabled.

I set the ek3 src1 yaw to 2 (only gps).

If issue occurs in flight on one gps that lead to gps for yaw issue, there is automatically gsf that take over the yaw ?

Or do I have to set ek3 src2 yaw to 8 (gsf)

Leave the parameters at defaults except for those required to enable moving baseline (GPS for yaw).

GSF fallback should happen automatically if all other sources fail.

It often precesses quickly, so do not expect good performance if GPS fails.

If gps fails as there is 2 gps if only one gps fail gsf still work correctly?

One gps type is 17 and the other one is 18

Both modules need to be operating nominally with good fixes for GPS yaw to be calculated. If one GPS fails in a moving baseline configuration, the yaw source will fail, and GSF will become primary.

Perfect than you for your reply

In my experience on a Rover, a few seconds of GSF fallback results in no perceptible performance loss. However, things can start to degrade quickly, and I would not drive my (large) Rover in any autonomous mode using GSF as the primary source for more than 15-30 seconds. Your mileage may vary, as the Rover where I have the most experience using moving baseline is very noisy with a combustion engine and mower blades, which likely impact GSF precision significantly.