Set EKF origin for multiple vehicles through pymavlink

Hello, I am a newbie here. Recently I just start learning to use the pymavlink library to communicate with multiple SITL quadcopter instances running Arducopter 4.3.6, and I am trying to build an custom app to attempt swarming. However, when I use the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED message to command the drones to move to offset locations from the leader, they move to the wrong position, i suspect the different EKF Origins of different drones cause the error in position. How can I set all the follower drones EKF Origin to the same as the leader drone’s? Thank you very much in advanced.

You need to use global coordinates instead of local coordinates
you convert the local to global and then the global to the reletive local of ach copter independenly from each other.

Thank you for the suggestion. Is there any function supported by mavlink that convert between those 2 coordinate systems?