Servos shaking on my tiltrotor

Hello everyone. My tricopter tiltrotor with two front tilt motors worked fine for a week. But suddenly it stopped working fine. When switching from QSTAB to MANUAL mode nothing unusual happens, but when switching from MANUAL to QSTAB the servo starts shaking. The “shaking” happens synchronously on both the left and right servos, which means that mechanically they are completely fine. Eventually they still end up in the correct horizontal QSTAB position, but after shaking.

At the same time, my tiltrotor flies well in QSTAB mode, the servos deflect correctly for yaw control. In MANUAL mode, roll control also works correctly.

I noticed something strange. When switching from QSTAB to MANUAL, the values ​​in the Servo Output tab take normal values. When switching from MANUAL to QSTAB, they seem to get random values.

UPTADE: I noticed it only happens when Q_TILT_FIX_ANGLE is non zero. When it is zero, MANUAL to QSTAB transition goes fine