Servo mapping confusion

I’m building a Tri-VTOL V-Tail on a Speedybee F405-Wing. The front two motors have Tilt.
I’m new to Ardu, and I can’t quite get my head around the servo outputs.

Do the servo numbers in the ‘Servo Output’ tab, directly reference the S# numbers on the speedybee?
e.g Servo 1 in the config, is servo output 1 on the board?

Like this?

Or is there something more to the mapping that I’m missing?

I seem to have some strange behaviour on servo 5 output. It is set as an Aileron the same as #4, but it isn’t responding smoothly. #4 smoothly responds to be tilting the board left and right (as an Aileron should). But servo 5 will only go to 1100, or 1900, nothing in-between.

Yes. More detail here Speedybee F405 Wing
Pay attention to timing groups when mixing motors and servo’s

Thanks, that helps a lot - Especially the timing groups. I presume the strange aileron behaviour is because its in a group where DSHOT is enabled.

I’ve rearranged the outputs so that the three motors are in a timer group 3. There would be a wasted output if I use group 1&2 as I was previously.
There is a slight typo on the ardu page, S2 is in both group 1 and 2. But the speedybee manual has the correct groups.

I’ve noticed I nearly always get an error when swapping the functions, yet it appears to save anyway. Is this a known bug? Or am I doing something wrong?

Not sure. I use the Full Parameter List. Sometimes those menu based screens are not up to date with the latest firmware versions.

OK thanks.

Is PWM, DSHOT etc. applied to the timer groups automatically depending on the function you have selected?

I also can’t seem to test the motors, I get the error “Command was denied by the autopilot”
I have no safety button, so BRD_SAFETY_DEFLT = 0.

I also tried to calibrate the ESC’s, but get the error "Set param error. Please ensure your version is AC3.3+

When I power the FC and ESC, I initially get the usual three beeps. then a pause, then three more power up beeps, followed by two low then high that indicate it has a low throttle signal.

This is so useful! Let’s see if i understood well.
First I have to connect servos and motors to different groups.

Than i have to assign pwm or dshot to that group using any arduplane param. Is this correct?
What param is it?

It’s addresses here in the docs:
Plane Dshot