We tried to carry a 9kg total payload with two servos by 4.5kg per servo motor. Servos are SPT5435LV-180W servos. But one of the servos released the payload before reaching intented mission waypoint without giving any RC command. Why is this happened? (Here, we took off the drone from an unleveled ground. So we saw the drone went with a little rolled angle.)
The servos’ PWM numbers are 1945 for RC switch’s logic 0 position and 1045 for logic 1 position. So we tried to reverse the servo outputs on Mission Planner, but it doesn’t work.
When we mechanically changed servos’ PWM positions by manipulating circuitry, it works.
But changing circuitry can damage the servos and is an extra work. So, why does the servo release the payload before intended waypoint without any RC command? How can we reverse the servo outputs on Mission Planner?
Please help us.
Here is the.bin file.
And let me ask you, does “overpowered” mean over voltage? We supply the servos stable 6V which is their recommended range.
I hope you have set up servos on channels 11 and 12. Based on the log around timestamp 15:50, there was an RC input detected from channels 10, 11 and 12, followed by corresponding RC outputs on channels 10, 11 and 12. Additionally, in your auto mission, a total of 3 servo sets were reconfigured. Could you please provide more details on what exactly occurred?
Yes, we set up servos at channel 10, 11 and 12. Channel 12 has no load.
But, servo automatically dropping at channel 11 has already happend before we give any RC input.
And also channel 13, which has also no load, had automatically released the servo even if we haven’t set up that channel in mission command.