Sending String Over Mavlink

I want to send A String from my GCS to arduplane. Does Mavlink allow sending of characters and string???

Thank you,

I want to send A String from my GCS to arduplane. Does Mavlink allow sending of characters and string???




Thank you @peterbarker for the quick reply.
I was able to send the message using STATUSTEXT from a python script.
I used this :

Now I am stuck at receiving the message in the autopilot. Could you help me with that?

Thank you,

Thank you @peterbarker for the quick reply.
But I think STATUSTEXT is used to send data from autopilot to gcs. I need the exact opposite.
e.g : I need to send “qwerty1234” from mavproxy(GCS) to my autopilot.

Your GCS is just another mavlink system. It behaves a little differently
to a vehicle, but can send and receive the same messages.

If it is possible so please can you give an example or tutorial to do this.?

If you address a statustext packet to and ArduPilot vehicle, it will log
it in dataflash.

This is the member function which handles the incoming statustext:

At that stage we know the message was “aimed” at us.



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I am trying send string over mavlink.

data = "VIBRATION {time_usec : 6973068444, vibration_x : 0.0256990697235, vibration_y : 0.0270975790918, vibration_z : 0.043224286288, clipping_0 : 0, clipping_1 : 2, clipping_2 : 0}"

But i am facing error
'str' object has no attribute 'pack'