I want to use my remote controller to send data to my Arduplane (fix wing) using Mavlink packet. I’m using an Arduino micro attached to my RC trainer port that converts ppm signal to Mavlink. In fact, I have an RF transmission system that transfers data using the Mavlink protocol.
I found that Arduplane is compatible with MANUAL_CONTROL (#69) of the common Mavlink message. Unfortunately, this library is not up to date in arduino (using this reference : MAVLink and Arduino: step by step)
The Mavlink message MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS_RAW (35) or MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS_OVERRIDE (70) or MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS_SCALED (34) seems to be ok. But I did not find info if Arduplane is compatible with these Mavlink messages, and if it’s appropriate?
Any advice for a more appropriate Mavlink message to be used ?
I can see it in Mission planner if I target it (sys : 255 and component 1) using the Mavlink Inspector in Mission Planner. The channel’s values are changing accordingly to the RC stick movement and switches.
I can not see it if I target the Arduplane autopilot (sys : 1 and component 1) using Mavlink Inspector in Mission Planner.
In both cases, I can not see the stick moving using the calibration RC tab.
The Mavlink ‘mavpackettype’: ‘RC_CHANNELS’, from the Autopilot don’t show me the same value than the RC_CHANNEL_OVERRIDE.
Any tips on this topic to help me ? I want to have the RC_CHANNEL_OVERRIDE visible so I can configure the Autopilot ?
Ok, I found what I did not get the first time on a post :
If the senders system id does not match the one set by the ardupilot parameter SYSID_MYGCS, the message will be quietly rejected (by default system_id = 255 will work).