Send desired attitude angle command through mavlink

Hello All,

Currently I am able to send RC override command to APM through packet RC_CHANNELS_OVERRIDE ( #70 ) in MAVLINK. Does this command represent desired attitude angular velocity or attitude angle?

If no, which packet in MAVLINK should I look for to send command for setting desired attitude angular velocity or attitude angle directly?

Thanks for your help.


Did you make any head way on this? I’m also trying to do the same thing. I have RC_OVERRIDE working perfectly but would like to set the roll, pitch and yaw angles.

You could use SET_ATTITUDE_TARGET ( #82 ) however this is a little low level for me.

I also want to keep YAW locked in one direction at all times. Any methods found for this?

I have been trying to use set_attitude_target and it does not do anything.

Any luck on how to set the attitude?