I have Arduplane 3.5 loaded onto a Pixhawk and am in the process of setting it up for a flying wing. But when I go to the Config/Tuning - Flight Modes screen to set the modes, the only modes available to me are the copter modes. I’ve attached a screen grab. Also when I cycle through the flight modes on my RC Tx, the MP HUD shows only copter modes as the current mode.
Note from the screen grab MP is seeing the loaded Arduplane firmware , and when I go to the full parameter list I can see values such as FBWA and FBWB settings.
Never seen anything like this before. Any guidance, Mr. Oborne?
Note…Maybe never mind…Before posting this I just disconnected and reconnected MP, and now I see Plane modes. But I’m not making it up, as there’s the attached screen grab. So strange fluke…