Secondary GPS not logging sometimes-GPS for YAW Drone can F9P

Hi Guys.
Was Flight testing GPS for Yaw on the Holybro Drone-can F9P(rover) modules.
In 2/3 Logs the secondary GPS field is missing.
Is this a bug? @andyp1per, @peterbarker.

Also what is GPY.RHD value? there is always huge difference between, GPS.YAW and GPY.RHD, What does this value signify?

Hi Guys,
Another question.
Some recent flight have shown a higher occurrence GPS.Yaw of noise; the GPS yaw becoming an invalid value & EK3 Filtering the measurement.
Any idea why this occurs and anyways to reduce it?
This is with the latest Holybro F9P GPS FW.
Logs sometimes show yaw value on one GPS field and sometimes on both GPS fields, Is both GPS supposed to output yaw information?