Second crash looks like again ESC overheat even after differint cooling methods if any one can help identifing the problem or should i look for another ESC brand.
you need to give more details of what motors, propellers, weight, battery spec…
motor velox 3008 1350 kv with 8040 props
total weight 2000 gram
battery 5200 6s 120c
does it have airflow?
I dont think it’s enough, you can see it starting to heat up almost immediately before you start going fast.
So any recommendation if i change esc pwm min and max can it help for FET overheat
Can we use small cooling Fan to suck the air from inside ?
The rated current of most ESCs is based on the assumption that it has direct airflow from the propellers so you will need air moving over it not just a small fan circulating air.
A heat sink would help a lot.
OK thanks do you suggest any other esc with heat sink built-in?
I would say you need to change the motors to something around 1100KV at most
Get a ecalc subscription and and do some work in there before you make any changes.
I threw in some of your details and got this:
From the log:
Vibrations are way too high.
The motors are drawing 80 to 100 amps if your current sensor is correct.
The default ESC temperature limit is 140°C which is quite crazy. You have the temperature limit disabled which is essentially the same or worse.
The tiny little CPU chip will lock up and cease to function when it reaches about 120°C - meaning the ESC firmware has had no chance to start limiting output (to control temperature) before the CPU suddenly stops working completely, killing the motor outputs.
Set Temperature Protection to 90
In ecalc just changing to the T-Motor V2812 925kv brings everything back near reality - maybe not quite ideal but certainly a lot better:
I choose the motor based on max thrust and current as per T motors test report even propellers every thing matching the test reports

I always take those T-Motor “data tables” as some sort of guide of what is possible, rather than an actual recommendation. There are too many other factors involved.
But we did not reach max current for individual motors… Or the battery current value is incorrect, max battery current showing 105 Amp which around 26 Amp per each motor if iam correct we still far from max current.
But the recommendation for propellers also 8 inch quad not racing ones
I have this ESC and have designed a heatsink for it. I machined it myself, but you could modify my CAD to fit your needs and get it machined in China for 30-40$ on PCBway (yes, they do more than just build PCBs!). And then you would need to buy either thermally conductive glue (like MG Chemicals’ epoxy) or some thermal pads.
The main risk is gluing the heatsink and making electrical contact with multiple components on the PCB (for example, by compressing the thermal glue too much). If PCBway can also anodize the heatsink (for an additional $$), then that would mostly guarantee against shorting the ESC.
I decided to make my own heatsink instead of changing ESC, because I find the metal FETs badass
But I was not connected to it via Serial, so I couldn’t tell you what the temperature benefit is. I too had my ESC placed without much airflow, but I wasn’t hold high trottle for very long. And with 6S, 1050 KV motors and 9x5x3 props, I was only pulling 80-150 Amps continuous at 120 km/h.
Normally, if I know my ESC won’t be in much airflow, I overestimate current requirements. But even then I had fun building my own heatsink for it.
Let me know if you’re interested in the CAD of the heatsink. It’s only for one side of the ESC, the side with all the capacitors. I measured the height of every component on that side of the ESC.
Great work, many thanks for your help and advice actually they claim that because thier FET is metal the heat transfer is excellent which is looks like it’s not currently iam looking for another esc from iflight that can handle these
Till I order and it’s arrive for testing iam trying looking for solution including cooling fan.
While you are waiting fix the high levels of vibration and clipping (>1500 events). You can’t live with it as is.
What does this frame look like?