Scripting and QGroundControl - MAV_xxx

Im trying to get scripting feedback on to QGroundControl - it has little support for displaying parameters (some plane related are there) in FlyView.

Anyone had any luck. It cant seem to display RPM either - which is important for us.
Mission Planners displaying of MAV_ and gcs:send_named_float is excellent - QGC seems unable - or is it just me :slight_smile:


i tried it connected to another flight computer - it picked up new parameters, so maybe i need to do more testing. I didnt see any MAV_ parameters, but i did stop the scripting engine last run. RPM was avalable only under ESC which i suspect is not the external RPM sensor i conneced sadly.

and got a chance to try things.
no RPM stats.
no Next Waypoint
no MAV_xxx
I’ll keep poking around but its not looking good for customisation or Lua scripting output.

i found a “feature request” in the QGC github. Seems its not possible to display MAV_xxx named_floats
Until this feature is progressed, we’re moving back to mighty Mission Planner. Key datapoints and debugging in LUA on the mower is back to Windows / Mission Planner for us.