Hello i’m triing to create a script to be triggered with an auxiliary radio channel,
the script should add a DO_JUMP mission command after the waypoints saved with the channel 7 switch (Save Waypoint).
I started to merge the code from this 2 example scripts:
i’m not very good at scripting but this is what i come up with so far:
– example of getting RC input
local scripting_rc_1 = rc:find_channel_for_option(300)
local scripting_rc_2 = rc:find_channel_for_option(301)
local flip_flop = 0
– adds new/extra mission item at the end by copying the last one and modifying it
– get number of last mission item
wp_num = mission:num_commands()-1
–get last item from mission
m = mission:get_item(wp_num)
– get first item from mission
m1 = mission:get_item(1)
– added end
– read switch input from second designated scripting RCx_OPTION
if scripting_rc_2 then
local sw_pos = scripting_rc_2:get_aux_switch_pos()
if sw_pos == 0 then
gcs:send_text(0, “Scripting switch is low”)
elseif sw_pos == 1 then
gcs:send_text(0, “Scripting switch is middle”)
–added code to inser a do jump
m:command(177) – 177 = DO_JUMP
m:param1(1) – some increments for fun/demo
gcs:send_text(0, string.format(“LUA new miss-item DO_JUMP”))
gcs:send_text(0, "Scripting switch is high")
return update()
i haven’t tested it yet, do you have any suggestion or see any error/missing part? will it work with ardurover 4.1rc1 or i must use the development version?
The script will not work as written because it will exit upon the first call of update().
If you have any experience with Arduino or microcontroller code, consider the update() function as the void loop() method with a little catch - it has to reschedule itself to run. Here’s a short example:
function update()
gcs:send_text(6, 'This message will be sent once per second.')
return update, 1000 -- reschedules update() in 1000 ms
return update()
Also, the PWM values are not binary. They will vary between approximately 1000-2000 μs in value, depending on how the transmitter is set up.
I made a video on the subject if you have the time or inclination to watch. It’s probably a bit tedious, but I think you’d benefit from the concepts introduced there.
I might have a little time to work up an example that does what you want. I think this basic algorithm may help simplify the steps you likely need (you won’t need an RC input mapped to SaveWP to do this):
Poll the RC channel for its PWM value.
If that value is greater than 1500, and we haven’t already added a waypoint here, get the vehicle location
If the current mission is empty:
a. Store the location as a waypoint command in position 1
b. Create a DO_JUMP command in position 2
If there is an existing mission:
a. Store the location as a waypoint command in the last command position (overwriting the DO_JUMP)
b. Create a DO_JUMP command as the next command
Set a wp_added variable to true to make sure we don’t continue adding waypoints while the switch is held high.
If the switch’s PWM value is less than 1500, set wp_added to false
Reschedule the function to run in 50-100 μs
I don’t see why this script won’t work in any 4.1.0 or 4.2.0 version. Scripting is supported in Copter/Rover 4.0 and greater (and Plane 3.11 and greater), and DO_JUMP has existed since at least 2013.
I see now that the get_aux_switch_pos() function does indeed return a binary value. I’ll have to experiment a little with that one since I’ve not used it before. Perhaps the PWM values are irrelevant when using that function.
thanks Yuri, I watched the video, nice and informative!
the script now detects the rc channel but i get this error when the i try to insert the DO_JUMP #1 to 'get_item' (argument out of range)
i think i need to get the index of the last waypoint,
this is the code
– example of getting RC input
local scripting_rc_2 = rc:find_channel_for_option(300)
local flip_flop = 0
– wp_num = mission:num_commands()-1
– m = mission:get_item(wp_num)
– read switch input from second designated scripting RCx_OPTION
if scripting_rc_2 then
local sw_pos = scripting_rc_2:get_aux_switch_pos()
if sw_pos == 0 then
gcs:send_text(0, “Scripting switch is low”)
elseif sw_pos == 1 then
gcs:send_text(0, “Scripting switch is middle”)
gcs:send_text(0, “Scripting switch is high”)
return dojump(), 0
return update, 1000 – reschedules the loop
function dojump()
wp_num = mission:num_commands()-1
– get HOME item from mission as the ‘reference’ for future items
– m1 = mission:get_item(0)
–get last item from mission
m = 1
m:command(177) – 177 = DO_JUMP
m:param1(1) – some increments for fun/demo
gcs:send_text(0, “LUA new miss-item DO_JUMP”)
return update()
Your script is failing because of the line m = 1. The way the example works, it grabs an existing waypoint from the mission table and uses that as a template. You commented that portion out.
I worked up this example for you and tested it via SITL. Because I don’t have a radio or joystick connected to the simulation, I’m detecting Loiter mode as the trigger to save the waypoint and add the DO_JUMP.
You’ll have to modify it slightly to detect your radio switch instead of executing on Loiter mode, but this should get you moving in the right direction.
local NUM_LOOPS = 99 -- number of times to repeat the mission
local FREQUENCY = 50 -- (ms) how often to run this script
local WAYPOINT = 16
local DO_JUMP = 177
local wp_added = false
function add_waypoint_here(wp_index)
local wp = mission:get_item(0) -- use HOME as a template
local position = ahrs:get_position()
if (not position) then
return false
wp:z(position:alt() * 0.01) -- altitude decimal place needs to be moved for use in mission
mission:set_item(wp_index, wp)
return true
function add_jump(wp_index, jump_to_here, num_loops)
local wp = mission:get_item(0) -- use HOME as a template
mission:set_item(wp_index, wp)
function update()
if (vehicle:get_mode() ~= 5) then -- check for LOITER mode
wp_added = false
return update, FREQUENCY
if (wp_added) then
return update, FREQUENCY
num_commands = mission:num_commands()
if (num_commands < 2) then -- don't overwrite HOME
num_commands = 2
if (not add_waypoint_here(num_commands - 1)) then
gcs:send_text(4, 'Invalid position, waypoint not saved')
return update, FREQUENCY
add_jump(num_commands, 1, NUM_LOOPS)
wp_added = true
gcs:send_text(6, string.format('Waypoints %d and %d saved', num_commands - 1, num_commands))
return update, FREQUENCY
return update()
got it working somehow!
If there are less then 2 waypoints it just wont add the dojump.
i have mapped save waypoint and clear waypoints to 2 aux channels.
here is the test code:
local scripting_rc_2 = rc:find_channel_for_option(300)
wp_num = 0
m = {}
function update()
if (mission:num_commands() > 2) then
wp_num = mission:num_commands()-1
– read switch input from second designated scripting RCx_OPTION
if scripting_rc_2 then
local sw_pos = scripting_rc_2:get_aux_switch_pos()
if sw_pos == 0 then
gcs:send_text(0, “Scripting switch is low”)
elseif sw_pos == 1 then
gcs:send_text(0, “Scripting switch is middle”)
gcs:send_text(0, “Scripting switch is high”)
m = mission:get_item(wp_num)
if (mission:num_commands() > 2) then
return dojump(), 500
return update, 1000 – reschedules the loop
function dojump()
m:command(177) – 177 = DO_JUMP
m:param1(1) – some increments for fun/demo
gcs:send_text(0, “LUA new miss-item DO_JUMP”)
Tested and worked fine! oh the joy of programming looped missions with just the radio!!
Thanks again for your video and hints, it helped me a lot to undestand why it wasnt’ working
This lua scripting integration opens many doors of possiblities with ardupilot!
i’ll try your version too, but what you mean for regardless? what will do if i try to loop 1 waypoint? and what when 0 waypoints?
would be nice to be able to add/remove next waypoints in the mission by switching to manual/steeering/acro in the middle of the loop mission, triggering the rc switches to add/remove a waypoint, then switching back to auto to continue cycle the edited waypoints, like a radio based looped mission editor, but for now i’m already super happy with this archivement!