Saving your multi rotor setup

So, you have run through the wizard, done all your calibrations, tuning , etc. You have mission planner setup just the way you like it.
Now, to save all your prep work. I’m not sure if I’m doing this correctly. Your thought would be appreciated.
1st I go to the config window and make sure reset APM on usb connect is deselected. Then I make sure I have assigned a name and id number for the mavlink. I enter the full parameter list in the configuration area. And save a file_named for the mavlink name. i.e… Tarot 650_10000 mAh 4s lipo
Then I enter the full parameter tree and save a file, similarly named to the full param list(above).

Is this correct so far? What do I have to do the next time I open MP and make a connection? Do I attempt to load those two files that I saved in my previous session? Is this going to be sufficient to a degree that I don’t have to recalibrate and tune every time I make a connection to MP?