Savety switch LED: Quick, constant blinking / Flies fine / Pixracer

Hi all,

Yesterday I installed AC3.6dev on a new pixracer copter (APM:Copter V3.6-dev (f0f7ca23)). I was in the air for about 1.5 hours and all was fine. However, the savety switch LED was not solid. it was more a

Quick, constant blinking: Performing system check. Please wait.

as described in the wiki at: Safety Switch — Copter documentation

EKF2 was healthy, all flags ok. It was the same behaviour in all flights.

So my question is if this is a new behaviour, a bug or some issue with the copter?
If it is related to the copter setup, what should I look for?

Thanks a lot in advance,

It’s a (very recent) bug, should be fixed today when I merge a PR.

Hi Francisco,
thanks a lot for the feedback! Very much appreciated!

PR has been merged. In about 4 hours it should be built in master version. Please let me know if it works or not.

I just saw that you merged it. Will try tomorrow morning.
There are some other strange things happening. But I’ll open a separate discussion in a couple of minutes…

Works! Thanks again!

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