Satellite count dropped to zero, drone crashed

Actually I am flying in manual mode suddenly drone satellite count went 27 to zero and my drone was crashed , kindly give me the solution as soon as possible i am attaching the log file below link log file

Hello @sandeep2308 , welcome to the community,

Has this vehicle been correctly and methodically configured?
Can you post vehicle pictures and describe the vehicle components?

No my drone was not methodically configured


If you have an hardware issue (I do not have acces to a PC and can not review the log right now) then you need to replace the defective component.

If the battery is depleted you need to recharge it.

If the configuration is incorrect the fastest solution is for you to use the ardupilot methodic configurator software to solve your problem.

Some other user might help you pinpoint the exact issue. But now you have some of the possible solutions.

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Satellite count sounds like a symptom of something else going wrong, like a supply voltage.
Just losing sats and the GPS unit doesnt automatically cause a crash.