Running two sitl models in mission planner

Please provide a complete example of a quad and a rover and python script. Mission: rover moving between “rover” waypoints, quadcopter takeoff from rover, when button A is pressed quadcopter flys to the next “quadcopter” waypoint relative to the rover and loiters there, when button B is pressed quadcopter flys to home specified relative to the rover, when button X is pressed the quadcopter disarm, and when button Y is pressed toggle between auto and stabilized. First implement as SITL. In hardware, the rover will be replaced by SBG Equinox-D.

Explain step by step like I’m 5 years old.

So far I have

Start quadcopter
cd ~/ardupilot && -v ArduCopter -f quad --console -I 0 --use-dir copter0

Start rover
cd ~/ardupilot && -v Rover -f rover --console --map -I 1 --use-dir rover1

Start mission planner
cd ~/MissionPlanner/ && mono MissionPlanner.exe

Mission Planner connects to the quadcopter

The next step should be to enable multiple vehicles in mission planner, but I haven’t found where to set that.

Then the steps would be to assign the buttons.

Also, there is a gimbal with a camera. Can this be simulated / evaluted in mission planner? Hardware is gremsy t3

The next step should be to enable multiple vehicles in mission planner, but I haven’t found where to set that.

Right-click on the black space in the top-bar of MP, to the left of the connection options. You will get a context menu where you can find “Connection Options”. There you can create a new, parallel connection with the other simulation instance.

When is your deadline for your project?

I know how to do that, but it is hard to accomplish that in short time.

For first mission planner, run sailboat model, rover, default settings, and can connnect to tcp5760-1

Have trouble connection to a specified port, so I just used the default (no setting in extra command line)

In the second mission planner, try a quad model, multirotor, in the extra command line put

–out= – autoid

But it doesn’t detect a heartbeat