Run Ardupilot on Here4?

Hi folks,

I need a new autopilot and I see the Here4 (as well as the Here3+?) can run Ardupilot - the Here4 has a good processor, GPS, barometer, compass, a breakout board with PWM outputs, etc.

Anyway, before I commit, can anyone verify this? I don’t see a specific firmware for it on the downloads page, is it perhaps in the works?


Its in the works - the module isn’t even being shipped afaik. You can pre-order on several vendors though.

Thanks - and do you know if there’s an Arducopter firmware for the Here3+?


There is not.

Thanks Dave. Appreciated.

I worked a little on a Here3+ implementation, but it was a bit beyond my skill set, and my requests for help went unanswered.

A Here3+ implementation would mostly just be a curiosity anyway. But the Here4 could really be useful, once it’s made available.

Agreed - yes - I wonder if AI could write the code for the Here4? :slight_smile:

There’s no need for that nonsense. It isn’t a difficult exercise to write and test a hwdef. I ran into a minor roadblock that I’m sure is easy to solve on the Here3+, I just didn’t get any support and gave up.

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It says in the manual:
Here 4 can enable flight controller function by connect to a Breakout board.

(Current firmware does not support this function)

Not good to see after trying to rig it up for testing!

Does anyone have any info on when the updated firmware might be available to enable the Here4 to be used as the primary autopilot?


Just following up on this. Any changes or improvements to the process yet ?

Yes, Here4 is officially supported since 4.5.0


Thanks. Has there been any docs as I can’t see much that’s newer than Jan, it’s all still rather loose.

One post on CubePilot. A novelty…

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Sorry o don’t understand what point you are trying to make.