RTL breach fences

Hi everyone,

first to give thanks to the ardu community for make help to the users and integrators.

We need to solve a simple question.

In copter, the fences work ok to us.
by we have some question:

in all manual, and auto modes, the fences works ok. but in RTL mode, the fences dont works. If the RTL trajectory intersects the loaded fence, it will be breached like fence are disabled.

there is normal?


in that case, we need to use rally points to get the drone never can breach the assigned fence for regulatory mandaments.

Dijkstra object avoidance:

There its mandatory to pathplanning an companion computer?

Have you tried “smart RTL”?
This roughly traces back the flight path from the start to find a safe way home and avoid objects between the drone and home. Works with objects, should work with no fly zones as well.

the problem of the smart rtl are the limited buffer points. we have to test them a lot. therefore the rally points can works well for our requirements

One question please,

with Dijkstra object avoidance (i have tested it and we are very happy with these function in rtl mode with complex fence poligons, but:

only works in RTL mode??

if i send a guided fly to command inside typical L shaped fence, the track of the guided intersects the fence. dont works similar to RTL

There is a new pr to improve it. It might get added in beta5

Thanks a lot


one issue:

the dijkstra function makes auto missions erratic behaviour. stops in each wp and “search” for new one, dont keep uniform track.º

i only want to use this algorythm to RTL function inside fences. But not on auto missions.

there are any solution?

No, currently not. But it might change with 4.6