RTK Issues with MP beta

Still having issues to understand what the RTK Inject in MP really does.
I am using an m8p base with the latest HPG 1.3 fw and u-center 8.24 connected in parallel to MP beta.
Following issues:

  • unclear what messages are configured with the new RTCM msg checkbox set
  • the set SurveyIn Acc and time set in MP do not get transferred to the m8n (see screenshot)
  • the coordinates of my base position do not get correctly transferred. It seems that the long and alt fields are mixed up. See screenshots
  • Also the set Survey accuracy in MP seems not to be transferred to the m8p

Maybe I am doing something completely wrong. But what I see is completely inconsistent to me.
@Michael_Oborne could you please provide the documentation of the settings sent to the ublox for the different options in MP. Thanks!

looks like a , vs . issue.
I will need to look into it

also looks like the last “USE” you clicked had invalid cords.

Thanks for getting back. In the meantime I updated the ublox drivers to the latest version as recommended by ublox support. I installed the drivers:

Now I cannot connect anymore from MP. I get the following error (see screenshot).
The COM port shows up correctly in the Win device manager and I can connect seamlessly with u-center.
I am using the latest MP beta version

Thanks for your help! @Michael_Oborne

the problem is the sensor driver. you need the gps to act as a serial port/vcp device, when you install the snsor driver it breaks this, as now windows uses it as a location device.

please remove the sensor driver

OK I removed the sensor driver. Now I can connect with MP, but the status SurveyIn Valid remains false and no base point is measured.
Also, without the Sensor driver I cannot connect with u-center now. When I reinstall the driver, u-center works but MP doesnt connect and then crashes.

Since everything was working with the HPG1.20 fw along with an older version of the drivers, I wonder if there are some incompatibilities.

If anyone reading this who has w working RTK setup with the HPG 1.30 fw installed on their RTK base, could you please post the driver versions you are using.


Progress update.
I took another Win10 laptop which never had MP or any ublox stuff installed before. Win10 automatically installed a ublox vcp driver 2.24.0 when i plugged in the m8p. With that driver, Mission Planner SurveyIn works perfectly well - all good.

However I am not able to get MP and the m8p working anymore on my first laptop. Even when I uninstall everything and all ublox drivers, Win10 automatically installs the location sensor driver once I plug in the m8p, and MP subsequentially breaks.

This issues began when I updated u-center to the latest 8.24 release and the installer automatically also updated the ublox drivers.

So there is definitely an issue with Mission Planner which is not compatible with the new ublox drivers.
@Michael_Oborne it would be great if you could take a look at this.
Thanks Stephan

Another problem arised after I completed a survey and stored the location in MP. Now everytime I try to reconnect to the base I get the following error:

Just installed MP 1.3.45 and everything works fine now - thanks @Michael_Oborne !