Using EMLID GPS base and rover antennas for precision landing of a multirotor.
The base must send corrections to the rover (quad), however the tutorials only focus on explaining how to do this through Mission Planner. I want this to work without any GCS.
How reliable and effective is:
- Base GPS configured as wifi AP to generate its own wifi and have the rover connect to it.
- Base and Rover connect to a wifi router on the ground. Telemetry is there but not used for RTK.
- Base connected to Mission Planner via TCP and Mission Planner connected to quad via telemetry like here: https://docs.emlid.com/reach/ardupilot-integration/
Id prefer to use wifi with router since I already have a Companion Computer (CC) on board for dronekit applications.
Can the CC relay the corrections from the Base GPS? This would eliminate one wifi connection (rover to ground router) since I already have a wifi link from router to CC.