RTK gps on a budget (Quectel LC29HEA)

RM3100 is a better option

As @amilcarlucas said. If you have CAN
Matek AP RM3100

Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately I don’t have a CAN bus. But I have found this one with an I2C interface.
Drotek RM3100_klein

After using an RM3100, you’ll never go back to using other compasses.

Then get a Flight Controller that does. What do you have, some old F4?

Yep, a Matek F405-WMN in my prototype. The next buoy to build up a fleet will be Matek H743 mini with CAN bus.

The QMC5883L should work. A good overview of which drivers are pre-installed for your flight controller can be found at ArduPilot Custom Firmware Builder.

An L1/L5 antenna is recommended for the LC29HEA. I had good luck with this store and this GPS here: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805600898659.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.order_detail_item.3.233063684KdEsO&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt
(But as always, you should pay attention to the “colors” on Aliexpress)

If it absolutely has to be an RM3100, Drotek supplies an RM3100 with I2C connection: Professional Grade Magnetometer RM3100 by Drotek

Good luck

Rolf, thank you so much. I had noticed the acolades for the helical antenna before and did purchase exactly the one you recommended. And I have it in hand with a coax cable that I hope will work. Thanks for the pointer to drivers…

Start a new topic. All of this compass and peripheral discussion is diluting the Quectel GPS topic.

Sorry @Yuri_Rage
Even from a strictly academic point of view, I can’t agree with you. I don’t think that antenna issues dilute the topic, but rather enrich it. After all, how can you reasonably evaluate an L1/L5 multiband GPS receiver with an L1/L2 antenna or without a suitable antenna?
You’re right about the compass questions, because this is a practical application. It would be better to open a separate thread for this. But I wouldn’t be so strict here, because the thread was opened with the intention of a low-cost RTK GPS. This also includes the total cost of peripherals, because otherwise, if you buy cheap, you buy twice. Just my 2 cents.


most RTK GPS modules dont come with a compass bult in unless its specifically made for ardupilot, its nothing to do with price. what would be the point since it can do GPS YAW?

I should’ve been more specific - the antenna conversation is totally relevant, and I didn’t mean to insinuate otherwise.

Compass options, autopilot choice, telemetry choice, frame choice, etc should be moved elsewhere.

Sorry. I was rambling. Will try to stay more on topic. Hopefully I’ll be trying to get my LC29HEA going soon.

Here’s the log from other GPS, which seems quite steady compared to quectel. I noticed that there is a high fluctuation in hdop value with quectel, which is not the case with f9p. 205_log_40_6-27-2024–8-20-31-PM.bin

I totally understand that we can not expect same performance as ublx with this price. I was just curious about the reason for the instability.

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I decided that I needed to buy a couple of NEO-F9P’s so that I have a feel for how much better/worse the LC29HEA’s will be than the NEO’s, for my zero turn mower project.

I have been evaluating my NEO’s for the last few days and I now have each attached to a HA-3011A helical antenna, which are 48.0" apart. Their sky view is very good.

I set up their configurations using Ucenter to output only the NMEA GGA sentence and a UBX-NAV-PVT frame every 500 ms. I then decoded the UBX-NAV-PVT frame, in software that I am developing, in order to control my zero turn mower without using other peoples’ software.

What I have found so far is that the hAcc payload item (Horizontal accuracy estimate in mm) in the UBX-NAV-PVT frame could be a game changer for me. I am finding hAcc VERY reliable, when using my fixed antenna setup, to determine when I may want to ‘Pause’ or ‘Turn around now’ my mower due to a lessening of GPS accuracy (much better than using RTK Fixed vs RTK Float fix status/timing methods that I was investigating when using the LC29HEA’s).

I will be testing the NEO’s suitability for my zero turn mower use, on my property, over the next few days with emphasis on using hAcc as a ‘Pause now’ or ‘Turn around now’ indicator in less than ideal antenna locations.

In the Ardu world, have you been experimenting with the hAcc payload item on the Ublox GPS’s and what are your experiences with hAcc?


Yuri, again thanks for all your efforts. Are you still happy with the LC29HEA_ArduPilot.txt that you posted on June 9, post 154? I am finally about ready to take a shot at it.

I have no updates to share.

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Thank you. The QGNSS application is the “QGNSS_V1.10_EN” available on the Quectel web site, right?

Hi @Oli1 . I updated the firmware, after the firmware there is no data at all. Do I need to reset the module somehow? The data is only in the unparsed data window. What does it take for the module to work?


Out data

Does anyone have any ideas?

where can I find the software and firmware for this ?