RTK gps on a budget (Quectel LC29HEA)

Adding some more information for the LC29HEA, courtesy of the very helpful u/bamarcant over at the Quectel Forums!

I add these useful commands for module debugging:
$PAIR003*39 disable gnss so output in terminal is blanc for read only command response
$PAIR002*38 enable gnss
I use sscom with a partial english translatet gui: 445.5 KB folder on MEGA or http://www.daxia.com/download/sscom.rar
as have difficult to send commands by Qgnss.
Other useful information : Configuring the Quectel LC29HEA receiver for real-time RTK solutions – rtklibexplorer

10 Hz = 100 ms 2 Hz = 500 ms 5 Hz = 200 ms 1 Hz = 1000 ms

$PQTMCFGFIXRATE,R*71     Queries the setting of current FIXRATE
$PAIR513*3D  & $PQTMSAVEPAR*5A  save parameters
$PQTMRESTOREPAR*13  restore default

$PAIR432,1*22 set RTCM3.x output with type MSM7 $PAIR432,* -1 rtcm_dis , 0 rtcm_4, 1 rtcm_7
$PAIR433*3E Queries the setting of rtcm_MSM current ouput
$PAIR051*3E Queries the setting of $PAIR050,<Time>*<<Checksum>
$PAIR864,<Port_Type>,<Port_Index>,<Baudrate>*CS<CR><LF> i.e 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600, 3000000
$PAIR865,0,0*31 Queries the baud of uart_port and response.

(Not sure if this applies to all boards, but good to keep in the back of the head anyway:)

To operate the reset command (for the fw upgrade) on Mozihao boards, you need to ground pin_8 manually only for few seconds until qgnss_flash_tool_upgrade says ok , as the RST_ttl pin is not connected,I used the probe tester.