RTK/GPS Inject with NTRIP

This works for me:

Everything past the @ symbol I got from the Ntrip service providers website.

This works for me:
“rtn3g_vrs_rtcm32” you must get this string from NTRP service provider

Hi trying to connect via NTRIP…

I’m using:

as per the provider instructions here: How do I connect to Polaris RTK? (pointonenav.com)

I have the drone connected with GPS 3D fix and home position correct in planner.
What am I doing wrong?

This is the message I get

You should probably contact Polaris directly. I have no desire to pay their fees, so I will not be making an account. Without an account, it seems that it’s impossible to test connection strings for validity.

If you do discover the proper format, please reply back, though, in case others encounter trouble with the same.


Hi I needed to use:
This works