RTK/GPS Inject" is not available in MissionPlanner-1.3.78 or later

Hello. I am currently experiencing an error when connecting to RTK-GNSS from MissionPlanner.

After v1.3.78 of MissionPlanner, it’s no longer possible to retrieve RTK-GNSS reference station data from RTK2go and other NTRIP casters from the “RTK/GPS Inject” window.
I installed the latest beta version to resolve this, but still could not solve this problem.
I have the same problem with the Android version of MissionPlanner.

I’m currently using MissionPlanner v1.3.77.
And in that case I’m getting RTK-GNSS reference station data without any problems.

Is there a fundamental solution to this problem?
Also, does your development team know about this problem?

Thanks to all of you who have checked this page.

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Both RTK2Go and Mission Planner have had somewhat recent (past 6-9 months) updates that require slightly different string formatting than previously worked.

Your connection string should look like this:

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Thank you for letting us know!

I have tried connecting to the RTK-GNSS base station according to the input format you gave me, both with v1.3.77 and v1.3.78 or later of MissionPlanner.
But the error still remains the same.
We still couldn’t connect to RTK2go with v1.3.78 or later of MissionPlanner.

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I’m using 1.3.80 (beta) without issue.

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Thanks for sharing the information!
I reviewed the URL I typed in many times.
And I was still able to connect with RTK2go in MissionPlanner v1.3.77.
I followed exactly the URL format you gave me, and it worked in v1.3.77 and not in v1.3.80(beta).

Also, I have two different PC’s and the same thing happened on both of them.
I believe that MissionPlanner since v1.3.78 may have changed the specifications regarding “RTK/GPS inject”.
I hope the developer will get this issue.

Yes I have the same issue with rtk2go, RTK works with MPv1.3.75 but not with v1.3.80 or 82

I use RTK2Go all the time under the latest releases. Please see my post above regarding:

Your connection string should look like this:

Hi, Thanks for your quick reply. Yes that is the string I use http://myname@gmail.com:none@rtk2go.com:2101/NZ_Clarks_Beach
works fine in 3.77 but not in 3.82 ???

Hi Peter,

I had the same problem once. It sounds crazy, but maybe it’s the same cause:

When cleaning up the MissionPlanner log file folder, I deleted all the files there without thinking about it, including the *.gpsbase files. From then on, MP no longer connected to the RTK server.

On another computer with an older version of MP, however, it worked without any problems. Without being convinced that it could help, I simply copied the latest *.gpsbase file from there into the MP logfile folder of the other computer and what a miracle, since then RTK has been working again.

Even if it is unlikely, check whether the *.gpsbase files are in the non-functioning MP logfile folder.
(MP->Tab CONFIG → PLANNER the path to the folder is set)


Hi Rolf,
I have separate run folders for MP v1.3.77 and MP v1.3.82 (so I can test each version) and they both use the same logfile folder with *.gpsbase files.

Thanks Peter

I notice when it connects in v1.3.82 the input data rate has 3 or 4 values then goes to zero but still stays connected.

If I use another RTK base station 50km away and not a rtk2go site MP v1.3.82 works but its too far away to be useful.
Thanks again for your assistance.

Too bad, I can’t help any further. I’m curious what @Yuri_Rage will say.

Note the use of “-at-“ in my reply (vs “@“). It was not a typo.


Thank you Yuri, that worked :slight_smile:
To try and make it clearer to others this is the string I needed to use as shown.