RTK/GPS inject changes baudrate which causes problems

I am using a radio link between my laptop and the GNSS base station using a USB to serial converter.
The connection is like this:
Laptop <-> USB to serial(UART) <-> radio (fixed to 115200) <-> serial(UART) <-> GNSS base station
When pressing connect or restart Missionplanner is changing the baudrate to 460800 bps because this is supported by the USB to serial converter. But this is not supported by the radiolink. So the communication stops. Disabling M8P/F9P autoconfig fixes this problem, but then the SurveyIn Acc settings and table disappears. Why isn’t this shown all the time? Can this be fixed somehow?

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Did you find a way around this? As far as I know this is new behaviour as I have had a similar setup a few years ago and it worked then.

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Bump. Can an option be added to disable auto-bauding here?

EDIT: I misread this as an autopilot complaint.

In the case of Mission Planner, I don’t know why you’re using MP to achieve what looks like a standalone installation.

Use Mission Planner for your RTCM3 injection or use your standalone config and radio. Don’t mix the two, that’s a bit odd…

In my case, I’m using MP and the RTK/GPS Inject to connect to a base F9P’s UART1 and send that to a drone’s F9P for RTK operation.
When I’m using a serial port (e.g the base F9P’s USB), this works just fine as auto-bauding works. However, when I’m transmitting UART1 of the base over TCP via socat and using TCP Client in MP, autobauding does not work. The original poster is doing something similar.

Be more specific about your hardware. TCP connection to what?

I have a TCP server that broadcasts the F9P’s UART1 data usign socat. :slight_smile:

Even the cheapest FTDI adapter usually supports Mbaud+ speeds. If your server doesn’t, then it’s ill suited to task.

This sounds like an architecture issue, not a software issue.

Maybe you need to get into uCenter and save the UART1 baud rate as 460800. Then issue your socat command at 460800.

I ended up using an esp8266 instead of the bluetooth adapter as it could do the 460800 baud rate.

I did increase the baud…but why should I have to? So that’s why I voted up ths thread via a comment. Even u-center has an option to turn auto-bauding off.

“You’re using it wrong” - Steve Jobs

460800 is the recommended throughput for RTCM3 at transmission rates commensurate with autopilot operation.

It’s not a case of using it wrong. Rather a case of using it correctly.

For those looking to do something similar - I ended up using a RFC 2217 compatible server (python script part of pyserial) and an RFC 2217 compatible client connected via TCP to ensure the baud rate could be auto-configured as Mission Planner likes to do.