I’m having a hard time getting mine to work as well.
Linear hall sensor, 2.5v out normally, and then goes up to 5v when the magnet passes by. (or 9 if I flip the magnets).
Got magnets taped on a drill, which has a ratex max of 1600rpm, but with a scaling of 1, I get around double of that and sometimes it’ll just go to -1 until I reduce the RPMs.
Wont pick up anything until ~500rpm.
Tried an align sensor too, but I can’t get it to vary it’s output at all.
I got the Graupner Hott sensor and it works out of the box.
It passes 5v through, until activated by the magnet and it switches to 0v. It’s uni-directional.
I have yet to find a hall sensor that behaves like that, but I will keep looking.