RPM in Arduplane-3.3.0

Hey guys, I have a Arduplane-3.3.0 and I want to read RPM from a external sensor(AUXPIN) but that board doesn’t have the RPM parameter by default. Does anyone knows if I can do that?

Sim, actualiza o software para ArduPlane 3.9.8 e tenta outra vez :slight_smile:

But even though the firmware is 3.3.0, canal I do that? The AUXPIN will work normally?

Tanto quanto eu sei o 3.3 ainda nao tem supporte para RPM. Mas eu posso estar enganado.

So I can’t do anything about that? Because I really need the RPM on my board, my team has a competition and the RPM is really important.

You can:

  1. backport the feature from the latest version,
  2. solve the possible conflicts,
  3. recompile the source code,
  4. debug, download to the board and test
  5. repeat steps 3 and 4 until it works.


update to 3.9.8 and get it working right away. It is your choice. Both solutions will get the job done.