RPLidar S1 for driver debugging [CANCELLED]

Topic: RPLidar S1 for driver debugging

Proposal type: Hardware


For AP 4.5.x we added support for the RPLidarS1 and we have two users attempting to use it and complaining that it doesn’t work correctly (see discussion here).

Sadly I no longer have access to the lidar so I would like to purchase a replacement. The only alternative that I can imagine is to remove support. I don’t think that remote debugging with user’s hardware is realistic.

By the way, there is an S2 now but that’s not what we have a driver for nor is it what the users have so I think we should stick with the older model (that also has a longer range than the S2).

Planned amount $$ (USD): $600

I plan to purchase from Robot Shot here

Estimated time for completion: 1 month

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@mirkix has come to the rescue with this PR which I suspect will be sufficient to resolve these issues.